Rudner Law
Civil Litigation, Employment & Labour, Regulatory
(416) 864-8500 or (905) 209-6999


Stuart Rudner is not one of those lawyers ideologically married to one side. He realizes there is good and bad in every group, which is why his Toronto Area employment law firm works with both employers and employees.

Stuart is trained in Alternative Dispute Resolution techniques and can act as a mediator in employment matters so he is able to see things as a neutral third party, working with those involved to achieve a reasonable resolution to their issues.

For the past five years, Stuart was selected by his peers for inclusion in ‘The Best Lawyers in Canada’ in the area of Employment Law. He is routinely named in Canadian HR Reporter’s Employment Lawyers Directory – a comprehensive directory of the top employment law and immigration law practitioners in Canada – and has also been recognized as one of Canada’s top Legal Social Media Influencers.

In October 2018, Stuart was recognized as the only Legal Influencer in Canadian HR Law in the first Lexology Awards.

Rudner Law, was recently voted one of the Top 3 Employment and Labour Boutiques in Canadian HR Reporter’s Readers’ Choice Awards for 2019. and was chosen as a winner of the Canadian Employment Law Firm of the Year for 2019 in the Global Law Experts Annual Awards.

Stuart's previous firm was selected as one of the top three Employment Law firms in 2016 and 2017, the first two years these awards were given out.

He chairs and teaches at conferences, and is the founding Program Director of Osgoode Professional Development’s HR Law for HR Professionals course in Toronto and the co-founding Program Director of their Advanced HR Law for HR Professionals course.

With his firm and his family, Stuart supports a number of worthwhile causes including 360Kids, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, United Way, One Voice Network, Job Skills, Family Education Centre, Lawyers International Food Enterprise (LIFE), and Volunteer Lawyers Network.

Since the start of his career, Stuart has been actively involved in the Canadian and Ontario Bar Associations and has held several leadership positions. He has also volunteered countless hours leading sessions on HR Law topics and serving on committees for the HRPA.

Stuart's firm is based in York Region, and he takes pride in sponsoring the York Region Chapter of the HRPA and presenting an annual Employment Law update for the membership.

With two active children, much of Stuart's time is spent in dance studios and hockey arenas. He is a firm believer in using technology to make life easier without sacrificing the needs of his clients.

See articles by Stuart Rudner