Gluckstein Lawyers

(416) 408-4252

Keeping youth safe from concussion is a shared responsibility

Rowan Stringer was a gifted athlete who died as a result of multiple head injuries she sustained while playing rugby for her Ottawa high school team. Five years after her death in May 2013, the Ontario government passed Rowan’s Law, legislation which is designed to protect amateur athletes and provide education about the dangers of […]

Keeping youth safe from concussion is a shared responsibility Read More »

Divisional court ruling is good news for ‘unseen’ accident victims

Those left with injuries after a motor vehicle accident are not necessarily the only ones who suffer. In many instances, loved ones are left with psychological and emotional scars requiring care, even if they did not witness the accident. These victims are often disregarded, if not unseen when it comes to insurance claims. That is why last month’s

Divisional court ruling is good news for ‘unseen’ accident victims Read More »

Long-term disability insurance and what you should know

Accidents happen, which is why it makes sense to have insurance to protect your financial well-being. Long-term disability (LTD) insurance provides financial assistance if you are unable to work due to an illness or injury. While many people are familiar with the concept of an LTD policy, there are many moving parts. That is why

Long-term disability insurance and what you should know Read More »

Service dogs can provide comfort after a traumatic experience

At Gluckstein Lawyers, we represent clients dealing with the physical and emotional fallout of their injuries whether they are victims of a motor vehicle accident, a sexual assault or a negligent medical procedure. In these cases, specially trained dogs can have a positive impact on people as they navigate through an extremely difficult time in their

Service dogs can provide comfort after a traumatic experience Read More »

Ignoring concussion symptoms can have a lasting impact

Each year about 200,000 Canadians are diagnosed with a concussion, according to Brain Injury Canada. It can be a perplexing injury that could lead to cognitive impairments that can impact the rest of your life. Concussions can be difficult to diagnose. It cannot be seen on a regular X-ray and brain scans are typically not helpful. A CT

Ignoring concussion symptoms can have a lasting impact Read More »