Avoid common mistakes when getting a divorce

By LegalMatters Staff • Deciding to end a marriage can be difficult and, for many, it is a stressful time.

The emotions you are feeling could have a profound effect on how you proceed with your divorce, which is why it can make sense to take a step back and examine your motivations.

Edmonton family lawyer Graeme Kluge says in a contentious divorce, people can be guided by feelings of hurt or frustration that may lead to a desire to punish their partner. 

“You may not be thinking clearly because you are overcome with emotion. That is when mistakes are most likely to occur,” he says. “But it is just as possible to take missteps in an amicable divorce.”

Kluge says there are many mistakes people make when deciding to get a divorce, such as relying on family and friends for legal advice.

“The people in your life may only want what is best for you and they might mean well but that doesn’t mean the advice they have to offer will fit your circumstances,” he says. “People are different and so are divorces. The information friends and family provide could be inaccurate, which can lead to unrealistic expectations.”

Other common mistakes can include:

  • failing to keep detailed records; 
  • rushing through the process; 
  • acting out of spite; 
  • agreeing with your ex to keep the peace; 
  • texting and posting on social media; 
  • making false allegations and lying about financial matters; and
  • putting children in the middle of the dispute.

Kluge says careful planning goes a long way in helping to avoid mistakes that could ultimately be expensive. 

“When your marriage ends you will be faced with some tough decisions and it can be difficult to know if you are on the correct path,” he says. “Taking the time to seek advice from an experienced lawyer can give you peace of mind.”