Céline Dostaler

celine@celinedostaler.ca (613) 695-8595 Cell (613) 863-8595 (24/7)

What evidence can be used by the defence in sexual assault trials?

When I’m representing a client accused of sexual assault, the defence we build is tailored to reflect the evidence to be presented. The primary evidence is testimony, with the alleged victim giving their version of the events in question. Since many sexual assault charges are not laid until months, or even years, after the alleged […]

What evidence can be used by the defence in sexual assault trials? Read More »

What are third-party records and why are they important?

Third-party records are documents containing personal information about the victim or a witness connected to your case. They are something the person likely assumes will never be made public, since the information is often of a personal nature. Examples of third-party records are: notes taken by a counsellor, therapist, psychologist or doctor; hospital records; records

What are third-party records and why are they important? Read More »

Sexual assault is very common, and also very misunderstood

Sexual assault is one of the most under-reported – and misunderstood – crimes in Canadian law. The Criminal Code defines it as any touching of another person without their consent where the touching is of a sexual nature, or where the sexual integrity of the alleged victim is violated. Sexual assault includes unwanted kissing or

Sexual assault is very common, and also very misunderstood Read More »

What is sexual consent and why is obtaining it so important?

A few decades ago, the slogan “no means no” was commonly used in campaigns to educate the public about date rape and respecting boundaries. It still applies because if someone says “no” or “stop” and you don’t listen, you are committing an assault. But sexual consent goes well beyond that, and it is not just

What is sexual consent and why is obtaining it so important? Read More »

What happens if you are falsely accused of sexual assault?

No one wants to be unfairly accused of any crime but the negative stigma attached to sexual assault charges can easily destroy reputations while tearing apart families and livelihoods. Those caught in this situation are consumed with fear and anger as they face a daunting legal process that can drag on for years, with no

What happens if you are falsely accused of sexual assault? Read More »