Devastating bacterial disease in premature babies linked to formula

Brenda Agnew

As the mother of a premature baby, I learned about some of the complications that can occur with infants born before 36 weeks. One of the complications that preterm infants can be prone to is necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a serious disease of the gut. The U.S. National Library of Medicine (UNLM) explains that underdeveloped cardiac, respiratory, gastrointestinal and immune systems could increase the risk of NEC, which affects five to 12 per cent of very-low birth-weight infants.

The exact cause of NEC is not fully understood and many factors can contribute to it, the UNLM states. We are learning more about necrotizing enterocolitis. I recently discovered studies showing baby formula containing bovine milk could lead to a higher incidence of NEC in preterm infants than human milk. For more, click here.

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